Saturday, 30 July 2011

My first week away

On the plane out of Auckland

Byron Bay

July 18

Today my family and I went whale watching. We climbed hundreds of stairs to a lighthouse [at Byron Bay] to watch the whale. At first I felt excited. After I felt exhausted.
Byron Bay Lighthouse

Whale watching - and we saw one!

July 19

Today my family and I went to the beach. First I made a beautiful, big sandcastle. Next I had an interesting swim because there were two dolphins. There was a mummy dolphin and a baby dolphin. Daddy had to pick me up to see the grey dolphins. Last of all I had a chocolate icecream.
Just another day at the beach
Madeleine - dolphin rider!

July 20

Today my family went to Dreamworld. First we went to Tiger Island and we watched tigers lie down and walk. Next we went to pat a kangaroo [and a snake!] and saw 4 koalas climbing in the trees. Then I drove a vintage car. I took my new koala on a scary boat ride. The boat went up high and as you come down water sprays in your face. It was fun! It was super fun!
Snake charmer

July 22

Today I went to Zia and Honey's house. First we went on their nextdoor neighbour's boat. Next we had a milo. It was sweet. Then we rode our bikes and scooters. It was fun!
I do like to be beside the seaside


July 26

On tuesday in Dubai mummy, daddy, my brother Harry and I went to Wild Wadi, the water park. The day was boiling, boiling hot [46 degrees!]. First me and my little brother went in the big pool. Sometimes the waves came and tipped you over. Last of all I went on all the big slides. It was very exciting there.
Wild Wadi


July 29

We have now made it to Scotland and our house is in Crail. Our front yard is full of lavender and you can see the sea. We went to our beach and i made a love heart in the sand.
Our House

Crail Beach
My heart

Thursday, 7 July 2011

The Itinerary

On July 17th I will be flying from Auckland airport with my family to Brisbane in Australia,

and driving down to Byron Bay for a week's stay by the beach.
Byron Bay

On the 25th of July we are then flying from Brisbane to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for two days,

before continuing on to Glasgow in Scotland on the 27th of July.


From there we will drive across to Crail on the East coast, where we will live for the next 11 weeks.

On the 18th of October we will drive down to London over a week,


flying out of Heathrow Airport on October 30th, arriving back home (108 days after setting out) on November the 2nd.

I will be keeping this blog throughout my trip to let all my friends at Edendale primary school know what I am doing and share in the adventure. I will miss them all very much, so I hope that by writing this blog for them they will all accompany me on the journey.